In the words of a famous scholar, "I made it up the mountain, and its all down hill from here." I am happy to announce I officially graduated from Luther College! This most recent J-term I finalized my senior paper, handed it in and received my completion sticker! All in exchange for my diploma, which was sent a few weeks later. To answer the immortal question facing grads everywhere, especially English/History grads: "What are you going to do next?" I finally have something to respond with. Working at Decorah Bicycles! The situation could not have worked out better. I have a great job which is incredibly pertinent to the trip, and still close to Ben, Jon, Habitat for Humanity and the rest of my buddies at Luther College.
A lot of things go through your head when your alarm clock goes off at 6:30 in the morning. Most of them are along the lines of "it's too early" or "where's the snooze button," but this morning was different. Kai and I had a mission to meet with the Winneshiek Habitat for Humanity chapter in town and answer any questions they might have, since 60% of our donations will go directly to their cause.