It's finally about that time to head south! Although we're super excited to get pedaling, before we go the three of us want to hold one last event in the place that brought us together. On Sunday, September 6th there will be a leisurely ride (all are welcome to join!) on Trout Run Trail at 11 am, a free-will donation for a Phelps Park cook-out beginning at 1 pm, and heading to the new Pulpit Rock Brewery that evening.
We would love to see each and every last one of you. This event will be a day to thank those who have already been so supportive, show off our gear, and give all of you one last chance to tell us what you honestly think about our trip :). It will be a day we remember for the coming months, and a memory of all those who believe in us. So please, come to Decorah, eat our food, wish us as much luck as you can find, and share one last beer before we embark on the adventure of a lifetime! Hope to see you there! Updates and additional details can be found on our Facebook page.