Monday, December 22, 2014

Career Fair

It has been fun and exciting figuring out how to best structure our trip, To the End of the Earth. We do a lot of brainstorming, a.k.a. think-tank sessions, a.k.a. war council meetings, to determine our next course of action. We do our best thinking on the lawn adjacent to Baker Village (Upperclassmen housing at Luther College), with a beer in hand, possibly a guitar, and a notepad. It has been amazing to see the progress we have made, both exciting and daunting, and to see how much we have left to do. Making the blog, video, and facebook page are all an attempt for us to connect with people interested in what we are doing and share our trip.

Ben and I approached the 2014 Luther College career fair with an objective, different than most almost-graduates. Instead of going from table to table and looking for the perfect job fit, we posed questions to business representatives such as, "would you be interested in sponsoring a bicycle trip, and if so, what would you be looking for?", "what is the best way to contact businesses?", "how should we market ourselves?", and of course, "can we have more free samples?" While we did not receive any sponsorship on the spot (which was not the goal) we did gain valuable knowledge regarding what businesses are looking for, how to approach them, and strategies getting our message to the correct persons.


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