For the first time in over 2 months, I was left alone. Sure we'd
spent an occasional day or afternoon apart, but this time Jon and Kai
were headed a different direction for over a week. Crazy to think this
should be our longest time apart over a 6 month span. Probably a good
thing to finally have the opportunity to miss one another.
I waved goodbye to Kai, Jon, Emily, and Katie for their bus to Banos, I
suddenly realized how quiet it was. Happy to relax and prepare for my
upcoming solo ride, I had a moment of brilliance. Utilizing technology
to its fullest, I found an online radio stream of the Iowa vs Nebraska
game. For the first time all year I got to feel a part of the undefeated
season and was glad to learn I wasn't a curse on their winning record.
Go hawks!
That night I got to hang out one last
time with Santi and Carolina, going out to a delicious chicken wrap (I
can't remember what they are called for the life of me) restaurant and
called it an early night. Hoping to pack up early, I managed to set off
the home alarm while getting my bike. So much for letting the hosts
sleep in. With a final goodbye, I realized just how different solo
riding is. With all my current gear, I also added essential med kit
items, the spot beacon, and a tent. Add that with all the food items
including a full bag of rice and oats and suddenly my bike was
considerably heavier. This might have been alright, but this is Ecuador.
And in Ecuador, there are mountains.
immediately after navigating Quito traffic, I had a nice little 1400 ft
climb out of the city. Never dropping below 9000 ft on the day, I
suddenly got very accustomed to altitude. Filled with leftover Thanksgiving turkey sandwiches, I got to experience a cool 50 degrees at
the top of a mountain where I could see my breath and a balmy 70
degrees a few minutes later at the bottom. The weather changes are
ridiculous and I ended up wearing my underarmour all day to try and even
things out. That afternoon, the clouds rolled in and it started to
rain. I tucked under a bridge for an hour or so, catching a glimpse of
the world's largest active volcano, Cotapoxi, when the rain would let
up. Absolutely beautiful with the snow on top. Giving up on the rain
ever stopping, I put on my raincoat, tucking the hood into my helmet,
and started out.
Maybe it's because I was still
used to Central American heat, but biking in 50 degree downpours is
stinking cold. By the time I pulled into Latacunga, I happily accepted
the first hostal I could find and took by far the longest warm shower of
the trip.
The next morning I left bright and
early in case I had to wait out the rain since I learned riding through
it is miserable. Although the rain decided to stop, the mountains began
to start. Not realizing my next three days would be absolutely insane, I
began to climb. With brief bursts of speedy down hill stretches (going
over 40 mph at times), I got very familiar at traveling in low gear
between 4 and 6 mph. It became a game of steady pedaling and continuous
movement rather than speed. After MANY hours on the bike and a lunch at a
town called Mocha (yes I did order a coffee), I finally staggered into
Riobamba. Stocking up on groceries, I decided to push out of town for a
camping opportunity.
Glad I moved on, I found a
flat area mostly hidden from the road with a small lookout I could cook
at for dinner. Feeling smart, I made double portions of rice with
onion, green peppers, and broccoli, packing the second part into my
Tupperware for a meal the following day. However, let me tell you this
was one of the worst decisions I've made on the trip. It's absolutely
amazing what a closed, black pannier can do to a bit of food in less
than 24 hours, especially with a bit of sun. When I opened it back up
the next night, it smelled sour. I also learned my Tupperware doesn't
close perfectly because some of my gear had the slime on it as well. The
smell of that rice dish was so pungent that I couldn't eat out of my
dish for the next couple days until I could wash it out with soap.
Vowing to never make a dinner last two days again, I risked sickness
over hunger and choked it down with extra water.
the dinner and leg exhaustion, that day was entirely pleasant.
Accepting my high altitude fate, I was able to fully enjoy the most
incredible deep green valley views. Sometimes I even got to see them
twice because I would snake down one side just to crawl up the other.
Since I was so high up, I had a weird balance of low clouds below me and
higher ones above. Stopping to camp at an overlook, I think I saw the
most spectacular sunset of my life. The deep valley, sun weaving between
double clouds, seclusion, color transition, and placement of the sun on
the far end of my view was ideal. When a farmer came up and found me
admiring the view, he first told me camping was prohibited but after I
pleaded my case and he could tell I was exhausted, he was very friendly
and graciously let me stay for the night.
next morning, I woke up in a cloud. Oddly suffocating, the entire valley
I was enjoying the day before was filled with thick white fog.
Strapping on my bike lights, I continued the climb until the sun finally
burned off the haze. Everyday I had encountered immense uphills and
tremendous views, which continued, but this particular day decided to
add wind. Not a small, steady breeze but strong, swirling gusts. I think
uphill it was more annoying when I had to desperately fight for 4 mph
but downhill it was more dangerous when you're traveling at over 30 mph
and a gust hits you from the side. Panniers act like a sail and you have
to drastically lean to keep from blowing into another lane, but when
the wind suddenly dies you have to be ready to jump back straight since a
45 degree lean doesn't actually work on a bike.
my third big day of around 70 miles with the most elevation I've ever
encountered, I was absolutely toast. Every day I woke up a bit more sore
and made up for my slow pace with more time in the saddle. I quit
trying to guess the terrain based off the direction of rivers on our map
and only assumed up. Debating if I should stop for the day I heard my
mother's voice of "don't put off until tomorrow
what you can get done today." Dangerous words to live by in the
mountains. Pulling into Azoques I found enough energy to buy some
amazing strawberries and vegetables for dinner, explored a bit of town,
then proceeded to cook on my hostal patio and start reading the
Fellowship of the Ring. With a shower and a fresh bed, I was knocked
Luckily the road to Cuenca from Azoques
was almost entirely downhill. Ready for a break, I was super excited to
arrive. For one, I had visited the city once before and wanted to see
what I remembered. But the larger excitement was knowing that there was a
friend waiting for me. Eli, another Luther student, has been working in
Cuenca for the last 6 months as an international programs coordinator
for Cedei, and was incredibly kind enough to let me crash at his place.
Meeting him at his work, we went out to lunch at a beautiful little
restaurant and walked around part of the city.
Cuenca has been deemed worthy of protection, so much of the
architecture is still colonial but even more interesting is many of the
corner stones are still Incan remnants. As a result, Cuenca is a large
city with a small town feel, complete with beautiful parks, small shops
on every street, and a gorgeous river walk. It also happens to be the
Marry Poppins bag of cities because you can walk into a tiny door and it
always seems to open into a giant courtyard full of flowers, tables,
and a magic amount of space. Eli is an excellent guide, and he has
already dropped more city knowledge on me than I can hope to remember.
Spending a bit
longer in Cuenca than I had probably intended since something I ate or
drank did not sit well with my stomach, Eli continued to show me the
city bit by bit, highlighting the best bakeries and cafes as we walked.
He knows me too well. We even went to a museum to learn a bit more
history and walked through some ancient Incan ruins out back. Wanting to
recover, while Eli went to work I cozied up in my sleeping bag and took
a nap. Eventually inspired to get some food, I tried to go back to a
panaderia in the main square for fresh bread, only to learn the police
had blocked everything off to prevent protests. When I say blocked off,
it was the full treatment complete with temporary fences, riot shields,
combat uniforms, and even a few riot horses. They weren't messing
around. Needless to say, I found a different panaderia. That night, Eli
was kind enough to embrace my laziness and lack of energy, so we had a
movie, popcorn, and ice cream night.
With a
great stay and even better company under my belt, it is about time to
get rolling again. Headed towards Loja to meet Jon and Kai to continue
the trip, I can only hope the next mountains are a bit smaller and while
they are on the bus they can fully appreciate the pain I experienced to
get here. It will be fun to compare stories and experiences for a
change, but even better to finally all be back on the bikes together.
Thanks again for following along and before long we should be on the next chapter of our adventure in Peru!
Ben, I love following you and continue to pray for your safety.
ReplyDeleteLove, Betty Danielson
We hoped that being from Minnesota helped to withstand the cold rain. Glad you enjoyed the amazing views along our beloved Ecuadorean Andes. Fresh fruit and those views were what we missed most during our years in the US. Enjoy Peru!