everyone had left the hostal, it turns out the internet starts working
better so I delayed my start the next morning to update the map of
Argentina on my phone. While I was letting it load, a Norwegian man
staying in our hostal came out and started getting his bike ready as
well. After chatting a bit, we ended up riding together until his
turnoff. It was super fun getting to know a different rider and their
style, even if only for a bit, and once we caught up to the other four guys
we shared sandwich makings in a bus stop on the side of the road and
wished each other luck. I gotta say, his beard was inspiring.
lush and magical as our first couple days in Argentina were, the next
section was less lively. We found ourselves surrounded by desert and
small shrubs, complete with dusty mountains following the side as far as
the eye can see. We still had flat roads, but turning became an
exciting event much like crossing Nebraska on the interstate on the way
to Colorado. After one day of riding in the heat and the dust, we were
happy to come to a town with a campsite and even happier to learn it had
a pool. Not minding that the water was brown, had a bunch of insects
floating on the surface, and the average age was probably 14, we fully
embraced our inner gringo and showed off some white skin. Well that is
except for Cody who had some impressive farmers tan burn lines from his
first taste of a South American sun.
All day, besides the people waiting
in cities, we passed tents and stations set up to watch when riders
cross the road. Big name teams representing both products such as Red
Bull or companies like Honda had support vehicles zooming down the road
that looked like dump trucks converted into high carrying capacity
desert vehicles. A surprising number of people crowded at the
checkpoints under the relentless 100 degree dry heat and sun for a
glimse of the riders and ambulances waited to be called into action
(apparently a couple people die on this course every year). We decided
to stop at the final checkpoint for the day and learned it is a multiple
day ride, similar to the Tour de France in that your times are
accumulated over the course of the race.
staying a bit too long, we continued down the road and realized we had
drank most of our water while watching the finish line. Unsure of the
next water source since almost every stream we crossed that day was
entirely filled with sand and no water, we were excited to see a water
tower with two hoses leading into big black barrels. Since it wasn't
sealed well, we were able to rig a pipe with our hand and trickle a
small stream through it in order to fill up. Plus one for desert
survival. Confident we could make it as far as necessary, we found a
great campsite for Ryson's birthday down by a stream that actually had
water. Playing a round of cards, "baking" a very soupy surprise cake
over our camp stove, and looking up at a fantastic night of stars ended
our night and got us ready for more desert in the morning.
the first time in a while, the next day's ride finally transitioned
into some greener scenery. After two days of following the same
mountains, we finally weaved through a pass that followed the river and
came out the other side. Riding into the town of Belen, we were hoping
to stock up on groceries but instead were limited by one of our most
infamous opponents yet: siesta.
Everything you
ever knew about business reliability from back in the states is out the
window in Argentina. This wasn't our first encounter with the rest
period of the day known as siesta but it was one of the first times we
got an answer for its duration. Apparently every grocery store (and most
other stores) close every afternoon from 1-6 pm.
This is a loose estimate by the way since sometimes it can be earlier
or later. If you are like us, you frequently wonder how they can make
enough money to stay open since so many hours are spent locked up. You
might also wonder why all the pizza places are closed up until 8 pm.
For all the benefits Argentina has in terms of scenery and easy
terrain, their social schedule are not designed with bike touring in
Settling for basic supplies at a small
convenience store, we made our way to another campground. For the first
time in our travels, campgrounds have been a viable option. More like
for the first time camping itself hasn't been a foreign concept. But
either way, we can frequently make a campground our destination since it
is relatively safe, has water, usually has a functioning bathroom
(although any level of cleanliness can be expected), and they are cheap.
Partially because they cost less per night and partially because of
their policy to walk around and collect payment instead of having an
administrative building, and the people in charge of collecting only
seem to perform their duty about half the time. Fine by us, we set up
tents, played in a nearby stream, and took the trolls for a couple laps
on a dirtbike course they had set up out back.
two more full days through continually flat and easy terrain, we were
crushing miles but the heat was taking its toll. After 5 solid days, we
figured we were due for another rest day and made Chilecito our goal.
Getting one of the best nights sleep on the entire trip in an insanely
comfortable bed, we woke up ready for an uneventful day. Sampling the
homemade jam of our feisty hostal owner lady's own making (I think it
was rhubarb or the Argentinian equivalent) we ran early morning errands
of haircuts, bike shops, and food so we could truly appreciate what a
siesta from 1-6 pm
feels like. 4 hours in, I gotta admit it is pretty great. It is also
good to know the ice cream stores don't believe in siesta hours. Thank
So far biking has been same as usual,
just with more people to talk to. The level and seemingly endless roads
have been a bit more monotonous but with five people we have filled the
time with assigning rolls to various characters in books, movies, or
even situations. Perhaps the best part of Ryson and Cody coming is we
cook a bit too much food a lot of the time, so extra portions come to us
hungry guys. For the first time in months, I can confidently say after a
meal I have felt full. Up next we have another solid stretch to get to
San Juan. Supposedly we have a bit of a climb coming up. Kai, Jon, and I
are all not so secretly wishing it is a giant one so the other two can
understand more of what we had to go through earlier instead of this heat
but otherwise biking paradise. We will find out soon! Thanks again for
following along!
Hey Rockcop1,
ReplyDeleteThings still going well, Presidents week I will be in Hawaii for 2 weeks. You will be nearing the finish line around then but still I will check in to whereyou are at. Also for now increasing time of V.N.S. see how that goes.takecare now it it an increase group.Not far left!! My whole family say hi, and rooting for you as as well, me the most of course!! Rockcop2
Hey Rockcop1,
ReplyDeleteThings still going well, Presidents week I will be in Hawaii for 2 weeks. You will be nearing the finish line around then but still I will check in to whereyou are at. Also for now increasing time of V.N.S. see how that goes.takecare now it it an increase group.Not far left!! My whole family say hi, and rooting for you as as well, me the most of course!! Rockcop2