Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Habitat Board Meeting

A lot of things go through your head when your alarm clock goes off at 6:30 in the morning. Most of them are along the lines of "it's too early" or "where's the snooze button," but this morning was different. Kai and I had a mission to meet with the Winneshiek Habitat for Humanity chapter in town and answer any questions they might have, since 60% of our donations will go directly to their cause.

Jonathan would have been there if he wasn't off enjoying Thailand with his family. While I was braving the coldness of winter before the sun was even up, I figured he was probably on a beach with a lawn chair and a fruity drink, complete with an umbrella, while he graciously allowed the tan women next to him cover his shoulders with sunscreen. While I'm sure he would've loved the meeting, I was having a hard time feeling bad for him when I turned off my alarm. After I crawled downstairs, I waited just long enough for coffee to trickle through the filter so I could fill my to-go mug, and drove over to pick up Kai.

We arrived a little early (probably a bad sign for my life if I felt the need to point that out) and quickly settled in. I wasn't sure how I was going to make it through the meeting since my mug was almost empty, but the sun was finally out and shining when I realized they were providing Java John's coffee. Staying awake? Problem solved.

The meeting was called to order and, much to my surprise and delight, it started out with a joke. Something about an arguing couple and a guest who apparently was thinking about getting married so his friend decided to show him a glimpse of reality. All meetings should start with a joke. I didn't know what else they were going to talk about, but at least I was in a great mood for it!

As they talked, different members discussed aspects relevant to their contributions, and it quickly became obvious that this organization is dear to their hearts. If we needed any validation for our choice to give to Habitat for Humanity, this meeting said it all. Knowing that our donation is going to such a kind, motivated, lighthearted, well-established group makes me entirely confident it will not be wasted and will actually be making a difference. All of them were so accommodating and welcoming, making it wonderful to feel a part of their organization.

When the conversations finally began about our trip, we didn't have to make much of a presentation since they had seen our video. Instead, they asked us some clarifying questions and were genuinely interested in what we were doing. As far as I know all of their questions were given satisfactory answers (good thing Kai was there) and they even helped answer ours about tax write-offs. We plan on remaining in contact with their board as the trip progresses, and maybe head to a few more meetings now that we know there's quality coffee waiting. With their support and connections, the three of us are excited to get the word out and start presenting to businesses.


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